I'm jumping ahead here a few years. I was originally thinking of doing this blog chronologically, but I realized that would limit me. So then, here are some drawings from 1982, my Sophomore year in High School.
These were done for my art class, a specialized cartooning class, taught by my favorite High School teacher, Ms. Krumholtz. The only piece of finished art I ever saw of Ms. Krumholtz' (she would sketch stuff on the chalkboard) was this very cool 1950's, Wally Woodish style, inked piece of a rocket in space, with maybe a cartoony character outside..or maybe the rocket was cartoony. I just remember it was really cool and I was thinking...'she did.that!!?'
This werewolf set of drawings was one of the first things I did in her class, which I was able to take continue take for the next couple of years. There were four 'plates' originally, but I can't find the fourth. I've got plates 2-4 here. Around 1984, I was working on what was at the time, my most large and detailed piece. It was a take-off of a 1950's E.C. Tales From The Cryptish kind of comic cover, complete with title, indicia, and large, full head, inked old witch character. We kept the art we were working on at the time, in large flat files in the back of the classroom, and unfortunately, someone stole my piece, as well as someone else's. I was flattered and pissed at the same time, as I remember, but looking back now, I'm more pissed, as I'd prefer to have that piece back!
As for this set of drawings, at the time (and still, to a degree!) I was really into all things dealing with werewolves. I had loved An American Werewolf In London (not to mention The Howling), to the point that I worked on my own version of it. 'Lycanthrope was a collaboration with a fellow Werewolf enthusiast (and cartooning classmate), Wolfgang Rubio (couldn't pick a guy with a better name to write and star in a werewolf movie). He had a script, which was basically 'An American Werewolf In High School' and the make-up knowledge to pull off some half-way (for the time and for kids!) transformation shots. But that's a story for another day.
I just loved werewolves, thought about transforming into one myself and drew them a lot.